Food and drink for the discerning palate. Irregular, regular evenings to dine and discuss

Tasters club – Hassocks branch – a chance to try many different varieties of drink from around the world. But even better than that we then match the drinks with some appropriate food morsels from the Purple Carrot kitchens to most pleasantly pass away the hours of a weekend evening.

Next up

Friday 14 June 2024 – wine, cheeses plates and platters

local cheeses and some of our new platters to try out alongside some suggested wines for our relicensing…plus a possible cards extravaganza


This month of March also includes the congrats to Karen award for being a very clever girl – so all the food and wine will be some of her favourites – but we draw the line at primula cheese out of the tube – eeuww !

January 24 – Australia Day meets Burns Night with Whiskey and Whisky

November 23 – Black Sea Buffet –

September – Far East (Mediterranean) – The Lucious Levantine

August – A trek through South America

May – Plant Based positivity

April – Sushi, Sake and so much more

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