NB -LAST DAYTIME HOT FOOD ORDERS Sat, Sun, Mon – 1.45pm; Tues, Wed Thurs – 7.00pm

Opening Hours –

Monday 8.30am – 2.00pm

Tuesday 11.30am -7.30pm

Wednesday 11.30am – 7.30pm

Thursday 11.30am – 7.30pm

Friday – CLOSED – bookings only

Saturday 8.30am – 2.00pm

Sunday 8.30am – 2.00pm

Winter is upon us – and schools are back. No point flogging a dead horse over weekday mornings – everyone seems to have better / more important places to go, so we’ll move it around a bit. Food will be available all day Tuesday – Thursday last orders at 7pm, focus on brunch to lunch to afternoon teas, coffee snacks to evening fare of a more substantial nature – basically less focus on breakfasts (although we can still provide an excellent fry up to sort all tastes Meat, Veggie, Plant-Based, Gluten-Free – we’ve been doing it for the last 12 years, so we think we’re pretty good at it now. However, breakfast to Brunch is the focus of Saturday, Sunday, Monday which we’re now starting a little earlier, and would humbly suggest that if there’s more than two of you you might want to book to get a table – we are only small

Previously on Opening Hours Daytime Saga Soap Opera

All change again in June for summer opening hours and the return of the street food suppers on Wednesday and Thursdays (4.30-8.00pm). After a four-month experiment of opening at 7.30 for those early birds amongst you, and 6 months of 8.30am Breakfast times are now reverting back to the more sensible opening time of 9.00am every day we open.

Still nothing overly fancy but excellent tea and coffee, juice and smoothies, toast and accompaniments, obviously bacon and eggs, some tempting shakshuka, various vegan offerings, and yoghurt berries and granola. Nowadays we could even be persuaded to bring out the proper porridge pot too

Brunch to Lunch gives a fullish morning menu with excellent PC salads, Toastie Ciabattas, Jackets and a weekly special or two for a bit of variety.

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