Thursday Trivia Quiz

Trivia, waffle and tat – On a Thursday. Your gateway to the weekend

Have you recovered from the pop quiz on the 18th that hasn’t happened yet? Whether filled with tears or nursing a hangover we will be re-commencing the umpteenth edition of the Thursday quiz on 24 October 7.30pm -9.30pm.
Jackpot is slowly building again, but as the players pick the questions looks like it might keep going up for a while so no masses of money to be won this time, just a large amount of kudos. Food available from 6ish and BYO in operation.

fortnightly quiz

The tHURSDAY Trivia Quiz…well it’s just that

Don’t try too hard, maybe have a bite to eat at the carrot beforehand and pit your wits against other hardy desperate souls.  Are you a cash or crisps winner?  Can you snag the jackpot with three spot on answers.  BYO – for now at least.

Teams up to 4 people – £6

pp includes corkage charge

Next up
Thursday 18 April – Trivia Quiz 8-9.40pm;
Thursday 2 May – Trivia Quiz 8-9.40pm;
Thursday 16 May – Trivia Quiz 8-9.40pm
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